What's New
20 June 2014
The Urban Taskforce has met with Government to discuss the possible role and structure of a Greater Sydney Commission. This correspondence confirms Urban suggestions on the best way forward including the key principles that may be of assistance to Government as they work towards formulating a structure for the Commission.
8 July 2014
We are pleased to note that the draft report acknowledges the work that the Urban Taskforce has completed on improving local government efficiency. In particular it is encouraging that IPART supports our argument that significant savings and efficiency gains can be achieved by adopting a regional approach to governance and forming local government shared services centres.
04 August 2014
See final Warrah newsletter. The Urban Taskforce's Property Person of the Year is a major fund raising event for two charities- Warrah Homes & St Vincent's Prostate Cancer Research. The 2012 Property Person of the Year, Ross McDiven of Brookfield Multiplex went further than raising money and organised a Bathroom Blitz to restore many substandard bathrooms in Warrah’s accommodation buildings. The Bathroom Blitz has seen eight bathrooms upgraded by Brookfield Multiplex and supportive consultants,suppliers and subcontractors for Warrah so far. Warrah is a charity that supports people with disabilities.
31 July 2014
Click on read more to see list of Winners for Development Excellence Awards 2014!
See list of winners with Peter Poulet's comments here.
12 June 2014
Our submission focuses on the unintended and adverse impact of planning, zoning and land use restrictions on competition and responds to the issues raised in Chapter 2 – Regulatory Impediments to Competition. The Urban Taskforce argues that the New South Wales experience is that planning and zoning regulation do exert an adverse impact on competition.
June 2014
The Urban Taskforce's Property Person of the Year is a major fund raising event for two charities- Warrah Homes & St Vincent's Prostate Cancer Research. The 2012 Property Person of the Year, Ross McDiven of Brookfield Multiplex went further than raising money and organised a Bathroom Blitz to restore many substandard bathrooms in Warrah’s accommodation buildings. The Bathroom Blitz has seen eight bathrooms upgraded by Brookfield Multiplex and supportive consultants,suppliers and subcontractors for Warrah so far. Warrah is a charity that supports people with disabilities.
08 April 2014
We strongly advocate for government policy and legislation that supports residential development. We argue that investment in new residential development projects assists in the delivery of much needed housing and also stimulates growth of our construction industry. While this review is said to consider foreign investment in residential real estate, we fear that the review will focus on Chinese investment. Focusing on a particular Country’s investment is counterproductive and dare we say, xenophobic.
24 April 2014
Though not perfect, the bilateral assessments agreement prevents the duplication of assessment. However, there is still a need for two approvals, one from the State Planning Minister and the other from the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment. We are pleased to note that the Government is pursing the introduction of an approval bilateral.
24 April 2014
We pleased to see that the Department of Planning understands that major urban renewal projects must be supported by flexible planning controls as the market will change over the life of the project. However, the state and local government must drive renewal and this would be further facilitated with the introduction of a code assessment approval system for the precinct.