What's New
15 May 2015- Boardroom Lunch with Dr Andrew Leigh, Shadow Assistant Treasurer (Member Only Event)
15 April 2015- Boardroom Lunch with The Hon. Jamie Briggs, Federal Minister for Infrastructure & Regional Development (Member Only Event)
For more events click here.
03 March 2015- Twilight Tour Barangaroo Authority I (Member only event)
05 March 2015- Twilight Tour Barangaroo Authority II (Member only event)
For more events click here.
12 February 2015
While we are very supportive of the Parramatta Renewal project/s we were somewhat critical of the material that was placed on exhibition. In particular we were disappointed with the lack of detail provided to support the housing and jobs targets and urban form suggested in the draft strategy. We said that:
• The aims of the draft strategy are too conservative – more jobs and housing are possible;
• Local government support was expected and that the Government must not give in to local councils who do not wish to participate in the urban renewal process;
• the development industry urgently needs planning certainty and unfortunately what has been placed on exhibition cannot by any stretch of the imagination be considered a “strategy”.
1) 03 February 2015- Young Developers Boardroom Lunch with Lang Walker, Walker Corp. (Member Only Event)
2) 10 February 2015- Executive and Steering Committee Meetings. (Member Only)
For more events click here.
28 October 2014
To avoid detrimental impact on housing affordability and project feasibility, the Government must immediately take action to ensure that until the draft SEPP and Guide are finalised, no
consideration or weight be given to them by a consent authority when making a determination of a development application. Unless this is done, Government will be shown to be pursuing a policy reform agenda that is in no way making apartment development more affordable.
31 October 2014
The Urban Taskforce argues that the draft State Environmental Planning Policy No 65 – Design Quality of Residential Flat Development and draft Apartment Design Guide try to do more than needed. That is, the draft guideline includes far too many performance criteria and acceptable solutions, particularly when it is understood that by law, only registered architects are able to design residential flat buildings in New South Wales.
17 September 2014
The Urban Taskforce position is simple, and we have had the same position since 2004 – we advocate a complete national blanket ban on political donations from anyone—corporations or individuals. Such a ban would include developers, lawyers, doctors, trade unions, miners, tobacco companies or environmentalists.
27 August 2014
The Urban Taskforce has reviewed the draft amendments to the Hills Development Control Plan and the accompanying report to Council, including the Analysis of the Property Market Trends and Housing Affordability. The Hills Shire should be congratulated for trying to deal with the housing affordability issue and also in its attempt to encourage what the Council considers to be quality higher density development. We are pleased to note that Council officer reports are supported by some property market trend data.