What's New
14 August 2015
The Urban Taskforce notes that a complex planning system has led to excessive reporting and compliance burdens on local government and reporting systems should be consolidated and streamlined wherever possible.
24 September 2015: E-Planning Seminar (Member Only Event)
29 September 2015: Boardroom Lunch with Mr. Blair Comley, Secretary, Dept of Premier and Cabinet (Core Member Only Event)
For more events click here.
12 August 2015
The draft Strata Schemes Development Bill 2015 and the Strata Schemes Management Bill 2015 provide a modern legislative framework to support titled living arrangements. The Urban Taskforce supports many aspects of the draft legislation, in particular the proposed adoption of the 75% agreement required to terminate a strata schemes as this will assist in the redevelopment of ageing strata titled properties.
07 August 2015
The Urban Taskforce submission supports the corridor as it will open up additional land in Sydney’s south west for development. Existing residential development should be disturbed as little as possible by the railway and land use around the railway stations should be maximised to ensure the benefits of the rail line can be realised.
11 August 2015- Steering and Executive Committee Meetings (Core Committee Member Event Only)
27 August 2015- Boardroom Lunch with Carolyn McNally, Secretary, Department of Planning & Environment (Core Member Event Only)
For more events click here.
The Development of the Year 2015 went to East Village, Victoria Park by Payce Consolidated Limited
Click below to see full list of winners.
July 2015
Our submission focuses on the development opportunities associated with the Sydney Metro – CBD & South west project. Governance is crucial and Transport for NSW must work closely with the Department of Planning & Environment to ensure the benefits of this new transport infrastructure are fully realised. Areas around metro stations must be reviewed to ensure land use zones and development controls will maximise development potential. The Urban Taskforce argues that strategic planning should upzone areas around stations for high density residential development where appropriate to allow the property market to deliver additional housing in accessible areas close to public transport.
09 June 2015- Steering and Executive Committee Meetings (Member Only)
16 June 2015- Urban Visions- Green Square with Iwan Sunito, Crown Group & Koichi Takada Architect (Member Only Event)
For more events click here.