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08 July 2013

We are pleased to note that the draft Employment Lands Strategy partly supports our view and does not maintain a traditional general industrial zoning across the majority of the area but introduces areas of mixed use and mixed business. However, it is disappointing that the application of mixed use throughout the entire area has not been pursued.  We strongly suggest that the Employment Lands strategy be focused on the implementation of a more flexible, multi-purpose employment zoning as suggested in the Green Paper and White Paper across the entire study area.

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426.28 kB

28 June 2013

The Urban Taskforce generally supports the direction of the White Paper and the reform of the planning system for New South Wales.  We support the proposal to repeal outdated and/or irrelevant state planning policies and local environmental plans.  We need a simpler and fairer method of funding infrastructure that spreads levies across the broadest base of beneficiaries.

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28 June 2013

The Metropolitan Strategy should expect that our population will grow by at least 1.4 million.  Hence a minimum housing target of at least 570,000 and a minimum jobs target of at least 675,000 should be set.  Furthermore, to kick start development, we say that all land within 800 metres of railway stations and centres within corridors should be identified as potential Urban Activation Precincts.

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93.46 kB

17 March 2013

We are in great need of strategies that focus on the facilitation and permissibility of development. We must see more strategies that recognise the importance of development and make the development assessment process less complex. We are pleased that a renewal strategy is being developed for Newcastle and we hope that this will result in appropriate changes to existing planning controls that will encourage development that meets the need of growth. 

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03 May 2013

This submission summarises the position of Urban Taskforce Australia on the proposal by the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure and Transport to review AS2021.

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03 May 2013

The Urban Taskforce is supportive of planning policy that is evidence based and drafted to encourage the growth of urban environments.  We are of of the view that the Lower Hunter Strategy Discussion Paper ("the discussion paper") is a good start to the preparation of a robust strategy for the Lower Hunter.

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93.46 kB

17 March 2013

The Urban Taskforce is supportive of planning policy that is evidence based and drafted to encourage the growth of urban environments. The Urban Taskforce is of the view that theNewcastle Urban Renewal Strategy ("the strategy") is a well researched and thorough analysis of theurban development issues facing Newcastle. 

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107.68 kB

08 March 2013

The Urban Taskforce concerns with the valuation system relates primarily to the:

  • unrealistic broad-brush land values being applied to greenfield land based on land zoning without due consideration of:
  1. actual land use;
  2. development capability of the land;
  3. need and cost of provision of essential infrastructure;
  • requirement for land owners to pay land tax upfront based on land valuations in dispute and/or subject to legal challenge;
  • costs not being awarded to the appellant when land valuations are determined by the courts.
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114.54 kB

28 February 2013

Our concerns with the Draft Leichhardt Local Environmental Plan 2012 relate to the urgent need for a:

  • Comprehensive and transparent review of existing planning controls, not a simple translation of existing controls into the standard template; and,
  • Significant increase in residential density in the vicinity of proposed light rail stations and along the light rail corridor.
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74.23 kB

19 December 2012

The Urban Taskforce has engaged in the local government reform debate and we strongly support the review of the Act to facilitate urgently needed change to the structure and operation of local government.  In this regard, the Urban Taskforce submits a recently completed study into improving local government efficiency.