What's New
29 February 2016
The Urban Taskforce submission highlights the need for an equitable and transparent approach to value capture associated with the provision of new transport infrastructure and outlines a range of options to fund transport infrastructure.
24 March 2016
The Department of Planning & Environment exhibited the Draft Central Coast Regional Plan, which set out a vision for the region and a series of actions and directions addressing housing, employment, environment and governance. The Urban Taskforce submission raised concerns regarding proposed changes to infrastructure contributions and governance and reporting arrangements to ensure the Plan is delivered in a reasonable timeframe.
11 March 2016
The City of Sydney Council exhibited the draft City of Sydney Developer Contributions Plan 2015, which included increasing contributions for certain areas, changing precinct boundaries and make minor changes to definitions. The Urban Taskforce submission raised concerns regarding the contribution requirements for open space, which could not be justified as councils open space plan is not complete or publicly available.
04 February 2016
The Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor Strategy identifies opportunities for additional homes and jobs along the town centres of the Bankstown rail line. The Urban Taskforce submission addresses concerns regarding housing and job targets, potential introduction of value capture, timeframes for delivery and rezoning under-utilised land along the corridor.
19 December 2015
Urban Growth NSW exhibited the Draft Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy outlining the future. transport and land use plans for the Corridor. The Urban Taskforce submission raised concerns regarding infrastructure funding mechanisms, employment and housing targets, performance monitoring, rezoning of land and governance.
18 December 2015
The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development exhibited the Western Sydney Airport Draft Environmental Impact Statement 2015 and Western Sydney Draft Airport Plan for public comment. The Urban Taskforce submission supported the development of the second airport but raised significant concerns regarding proposed noise contours, lack of rail link to the new airport and suggested more flexible employment zones be used to maximise use of this costly piece of infrastructure.
29 February 2016
The Urban Taskforce submission highlights the need for an equitable and transparent approach to value capture associated with the provision of new transport infrastructure and outlines a range of options to fund transport infrastructure.
08 September 2015
Proposed Heritage Listing - Sirius Apartment Building The Urban Taskforce objects to the proposed addition of the Sirius Apartment building to the State Heritage Register. Although the building has some positive qualities, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that it is of such historical, associative, aesthetic or social significance that recognition on the register is required. We proposed the building is retained for adaptive re-use.
14 August 2015
The Australian Infrastructure Audit seeks to identify future demand for infrastructure over the next 14 years, to inform long term planning and future investment priorities. The Urban Taskforce supports the audit and notes the need to establish a strong link between infrastructure and land use planning, increase private sector involvement in infrastructure provision and ensure governance and responsibility for infrastructure is clearly separated between the three tiers of government.
08 April 2014
We strongly advocate for government policy and legislation that supports residential development. We argue that investment in new residential development projects assists in the delivery of much needed housing and also stimulates growth of our construction industry. While this review is said to consider foreign investment in residential real estate, we fear that the review will focus on Chinese investment. Focusing on a particular Country’s investment is counterproductive and dare we say, xenophobic.