
Urban Taskforce | Media Releases

Urban Taskforce | Media Releases

Council infrastructure in $7.7 billion crisis

Written by Administrator on Monday, 22 October 2007 00:00.

22 October 2007

The NSW Urban Taskforce today revealed that local council infrastructure is in crisis with a $7.7 billion infrastructure black-hole.

Government Promises consultation on infrastructure charges

Written by Administrator on Tuesday, 16 October 2007 00:00.

16 October 2007

The State Government has today provided the NSW Urban Taskforce with additional information following from its announcement on infrastructure charges last Friday.

Rudd plan will help young home buyers

Written by Administrator on Tuesday, 16 October 2007 00:00.

16 October 2007

Kevin Rudds plan to release surplus Commonwealth land to help ease the housing affordability crisis will make a difference to thousands of young home buyers, according to Chief Executive of the NSW Urban Taskforce, Aaron Gadiel.

Cut in Western Sydney charges: Good news for home buyers

Written by Administrator on Friday, 12 October 2007 00:00.

12 October 2007

The governments $25,000 cut in growth centre infrastructure charges is good news for home buyers according to NSW Urban Taskforce CEO Aaron Gadiel.

Motorways plan must avoid the mistakes of the growth centres

Written by Administrator on Tuesday, 09 October 2007 00:00.

09 October 2007

A new network of motorways is essential if Sydney is to avoid becoming a fractured city according to NSW Urban Taskforce CEO Aaron Gadiel.

Industry Backs Review to Fast Track DAs

Written by Administrator on Friday, 28 September 2007 00:00.

28 September 2007

The NSW Urban Taskforce has welcomed an announcement by NSW Roads Minister Eric Roozendaal that the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) will launch review its role in the development assessment process.

Central Sydney Planning Committee should take on North Sydney

Written by Administrator on Tuesday, 25 September 2007 00:00.

25 September 2007

The NSW Urban Taskforce has told the State Government that the Central Sydney Planning Committee should assume responsibility for planning and major development assessment in North Sydney. The Taskforce is making the push in response to the Department of Plannings draft Inner North subregional strategy.

State should take over local Government growth centre levies

Written by Administrator on Monday, 17 September 2007 00:00.

17 September 2007

The NSW Government should assume responsibility for all levies in Western Sydneys growth centres according to Aaron Gadiel Chief Executive Officer of the NSW Urban Taskforce.

$20B Power Sale can mean more homes for NSW

Written by Administrator on Wednesday, 12 September 2007 00:00.

12 September 2007

The privatisation of state government owned power generation and electricity retailing could help take pressure off the States housing affordability crisis, according to Aaron Gadiel CEO of the NSW Urban Taskforce. NSW has a growing population and the supply of housing is falling well short of whats needed.

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