Urban Taskforce | Policy Agenda
Urban Taskforce | Policy Agenda
Fact sheet: More affordable housing
26 February 2011
Owning your own home is the great Australian dream. Home ownership delivers a wide range of economic and social benefits both to home owners and the communities in which they live.
However, Australia has been experiencing declining levels of home ownership for some time.
Renters have been suffering too. They are the first to feel the pain, as rents rise rapidly when there is a housing shortfall.
Fact sheet: Politics and planning
26 February 2011
The modern planning system arose, in part, as a response to protests and civil disobedience campaigns of the 1970s.
The planning system attempted to create a more ordered system to take into account the publics opinion of new development proposals.
Fact sheet: Population and property prices
26 February 2011
There is a common myth that an increased population will mean higher real estate prices and less Australians able to afford a home.
Fact sheet: Promoting liveable urban centres
26 February 2011
A bias against residential development in major urban centres is bad for the economy and will make urban transport problems even worse, according to a report commissioned by the Urban Taskforce.
Fact sheet: Property taxes and their drawbacks
26 February 2011
The Henry Tax Review, released in 2010 by the Commonwealth, backed developers concerns on property taxes.
Fact sheet: Reforming local council levies
26 February 2011
Those that argue for levies are mistaken if they believe that developers bear the costs of new or increased development charges.
Fact sheet: Renewal in centres and corridors
26 February 2011
Key urban centres and corridors can play a vital role in metropolitan and national economies.
Some corridors can be the focus of urban renewal - creating new diverse and liveable communities.
Others will be dominated by enterprises, providing locations for important local employment and services.