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Urban Taskforce | Housing

on 24 February 2011.


What's New

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127.87 kB

18 March 2016

The Council on Federal Financial Relations has formed an Affordable Housing Working Group to examine innovative ways to fund affordable housing. The Urban Taskforce submission suggested that a model similar to the National Rental Affordability Scheme could be developed that would attract institutional investment.

File Size:
105.17 kB

11 March 2016

The City of Sydney Council exhibited the draft City of Sydney Developer Contributions Plan 2015, which included increasing contributions for certain areas, changing precinct boundaries and make minor changes to definitions. The Urban Taskforce submission raised concerns regarding the contribution requirements for open space, which could not be justified as councils open space plan is not complete or publicly available.

File Size:
320.50 kB

19 February 2016

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal produced a draft report of a review of the reporting and compliance burdens on local government. The Urban Taskforce submission addressed fees, data sharing, e-planning and suggested a one stop shop be adopted to streamline development processes.